WitrynaHere you will see our entire collection of random and useless websites to cure boredom across all of our categories. There is nothing worse than being stuck in front of a computer with no inspiration. So we have listed the most recent time wasting web pages first, but feel welcome to scroll through until you find something that slays your …
18 Fun Websites to Instantly Beat Boredom Online - MUO
Witrynadrhaterade has 43 upvotes right now, and will probably have 500-1000 by the time this thread has peaked. Call it 750. Let's assume 5x that many people actually end up playing the game, and 80% of them play for an hour on average. That's 3000 hours. Now, say the other 20% get hooked, and spend 20 hours on this game. That's another 15,000 … WitrynaZooniverse. Be a part of real science projects, such as exploring the surface of the moon, by participating in online research. 9. Lang-8. Write in a language that you’re learning and native speakers will correct your mistakes. 10. Silk. Create dreamy works of art with your mouse. Have fun subconsciously drawing genitalia. biondvax pharmaceuticals stock
Websites for When You
WitrynaSlice It All. Slice It All is a fun knife slicing skill game that challenges you to cut all sorts of items on your way to the finish line. In this free online game on Silvergames.com you will control a huge knife, making it jump and spin forward, and your goal will be to slice all the items on your way without falling down the gaps. Witryna1 kwi 2024 · 16. 2048. This website takes the best parts of elementary school math and Tetris and combines them into this fun game of 2048! Using your arrow keys, try … WitrynaThe Really Boring Website. Rulebook. Each round you will get a letter and 12 categories. Answer each category with a word or phrase starting with that letter. 01. Cars. 02. Colors. Note: You are not allowed to use the same word more than once per round. Then, players vote on whether the answer is valid +1. 0 +1. 1/1. biond therapeutics