WebbConsultez la traduction allemand-anglais de Bad Girl dans le dictionnaire PONS qui comprend un entraineur de vocabulaire, des tableaux de conjugaison et des fonctions pour la prononciation. Webbsluggish adjective morose adj léthargiques adj léthargique adj lent adj The old train moves at a sluggish pace. Le vieux train avance à un rythme lent. mou adj ( molle f sl, mous m …
lapse - English-French Dictionary WordReference.com
WebbThis means your body makes less energy and your metabolism becomes sluggish. وهذا يعني أن جسمك يقلل من الطاقة، وأن عملية الأيض تصبح بطيئة. Without proper care, the dermis continues to lose its attractiveness, becomes sluggish and flabby. بدون العناية … WebbThis is a very sluggish, slow and almost not optimized program.: Este es un programa muy lento, lento y casi no optimizado.: This will give you some energy and keep you from feeling sluggish.: Esto le dará un poco de energía y evitará que sienta lento.: Returning, my body felt cold and sluggish and heavy.: Al volver, mi cuerpo se pareció frío, perezoso y pesado. nottingham city council school terms
sluggish - Tradução em português – Linguee
Webbsluggish 의미, 정의, sluggish의 정의: 1. moving or operating more slowly than usual and with less energy or power: 2. moving or…. 자세히 알아보기. Webb1. (indolente) a. letárgico I feel sluggish and lazy today. Me siento letárgico y con pereza hoy. b. aletargado I ate too much, and now I feel sluggish.Comí demasiado y ahora me siento aletargado. Today I feel sluggish and irritated.Hoy me siento aletargado e irritado. 2. (tardo en la respuesta) a. lento Webbsluggish adj [movement] lent (e) [person] mou (molle) I feel very sluggish today. Je me sens tout mou aujourd'hui. [business, sales] stagnant (e) Translation English - French … how to shop for a printer